Airport for Sale in MA – Press Release

Minute Man Air Field Owners Seek the Next Steward for Airport
Airport For Sale in MA as Don and Nancy McPherson Prepare For Retirement
STOW, MA., APRIL 24, 2019 – Nancy and Don McPherson, owners of Stow’s Minute Man Air Field, prepare for retirement by announcing their airport is for sale. The McPherson’s have actively begun their succession plan and are searching for the next steward and guardian of the airport, which is located on 250 acres of hard-won open space within the towns of Stow and Boxborough, MA, and home to numerous pilots and tenants.
Minute Man Air Field is proudly listed as the 7th in economic output out of the thirty public-use/general aviation airports in Massachusetts*. This impressive ranking is no small feat when prioritizing safety, security, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and the mission of supporting the airfield’s tenants who provide over eighty-five diverse jobs in various industries in the airport complex. Under the McPhersons’ guidance the Minute Man Air Field for sale has a harmonized aviation business, a variety of aviation-based tenants within the complex, a record of high level aviation safety, a unique and inviting gathering place for the entire community, as well as overseeing the preservation of substantial open space while supporting the town of Stow’s goals for a healthy environment.
Airport for Sale in MA
Minute Man Air Field (6B6), located in Stow and Boxborough, MA, is a 24 hour, all-weather, public use airport consisting of 194 acres of open space (144 acres in Stow as well as 50 acres in Boxborough). Much of the open space is actively farmed and holds the potential for completing Stow’s ‘Emerald Necklace’. Additionally, on 25 acres of Industrially Zoned land in Stow there are two office buildings, an administration building housing the restaurant, five hangars, an access road, parking lots, lighted runway and taxiway, fuel farm, parking ramps and the potential for a solar farm and cell tower. The airport also owns and operates a DEP Certified Public Water Supply for tenants and a complement of snow removal and maintenance equipment including blowers, plows, trucks, loaders, and tractors.
The McPhersons hope to find someone who will continue to safeguard the airfield and provide quality management in pursuit of the airport’s long-standing mission: ‘Boosting the Economy, Supporting the Community and Nurturing the Environment’.
As the McPhersons move towards retirement, they are proactively executing a succession plan with the hope of identifying the next property owner who will continue the airport operation. This timely and thoughtful approach increases the likelihood that the airfield will continue to operate and protect the interests of those agencies who have already contributed financially to the airport. This plan will enlist support and assistance from private individuals and local, state and federal agencies in order to locate the next owner of the airfield property.
*Massachusetts Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study Update, Executive Summary January 2019
Help us spread the word within your aviation circles that there is an Airport for Sale in MA!
~An open letter to the greater Minute Man Air Field Community concerning the Airport for Sale
~Massachusetts Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study Update – Executive Summary January 2019
For more information contact:
John Amaral – Omni Properties
[email protected]
Minute Man Air Field, 302 Boxboro Rd., Stow, MA 01775