Airport for Sale – 6B6

An open letter to the greater Minute Man Air Field Community Concerning the Airport for Sale
It is with mixed feelings that Nancy and I announce to you all that we have begun our retirement planning in earnest and the airport is for sale.
Meanwhile, it is ‘Business As Usual’ as we begin the search for the next owner/steward/guardian of our 250 acre airport and the environment we have nurtured over the last 50 years. We expect this process to take a few years to conclude and YES, the café and operations will both operate normally and under our continued guidance until the transaction is complete. Minute Man Air Field is now FOR SALE!
Our story continues…
50 years ago, on July 1st, 1969, after three years of pursuing the McPherson family hobby of airport construction, we reopened Erikson Airport and renamed it Minute Man Air Field. When the first plane showed up my dad said, “This is starting to look like a business. Take over Don, I’m going flying in my J-3.” For the next eight years I was frequently accused of being ‘married to the airport’, until on January 22nd, 1977, I became a bigamist when I married the love of my life, Nancy! Since then we nurtured our marriage, our family, the air field, the Café and our community with great satisfaction. It’s been a wonderful 50 years of living in Stow and surrounding ourselves with quality local friends and aviators from around the world! The next chapter in our storybook will revolve around our grandchildren, who are growing like weeds! Airports for sale are not an everyday occurrence, and we expect the transition to the new owners to take a few years to conclude. And YES, the operations will operate normally and under our continued guidance until the transition is complete and maybe beyond, along with the “new” restaurant (opened in 2023), Fourth & Field.
What does this mean for you?
Minute Man Air Field will continue to operate under Don’s guidance as your gathering place beyond the sale of the airport. As will all of our other tenants. Of course, we expect to stay on duty through the sale and will offer our help to create a smooth transition of our businesses for as long as the new owners desire.
Stay tuned to our NOTAM newsletter, and website for more information about our succession planning efforts as updates will be included there. But for now, it’s ‘Business As Usual’, after all, IT’S FLYING SEASON!!
Thank you!
When asked about when we might retire, you may have heard us say, “How can we retire if we never had a job. We’ve always thought of ourselves as ‘hosting a party’ every day.” We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for putting your trust in us and being our perpetual ‘party guests’.
Whether you have been a customer for all the years we have run the airport and Café, or have just discovered Minute Man Air Field’s very reasonable fuel prices and fantastic food at Fourth & Field, you have helped us created a unique community here at Minute Man Air Field. Some even say it’s the Gold-Standard of General Aviation airports! Very few airports ever achieve the level of community harmony we enjoy here and we could only have done it with your help. Thank you!
We’ll see you at the airport!!
Warmly, Nancy & Don McPherson
Help us spread the word within your aviation circles that there is an airport for sale in Stow, Massachusetts!
~Read the Press Release: Minute Man Air Field Owners Seek the Next Steward for Airport
~Massachusetts Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study Update- Executive Summary January 2019
For more information contact:
John Amaral – Omni Properties
[email protected]
Minute Man Air Field, 302 Boxboro Rd., Stow, MA 01775
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